Online with Saints: a new view of sanctity

Online with Saints wants to show how it is possible for everyone to become a saint, even today! This project contains interactive tools which can be used separately, but constitute a better support when using them together: a book, an app, videos, a website... integrated closely with social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
By reading about the saints’ lives in the book or visiting their profiles in the app, one will learn about their strengths, weaknesses, curiosities and constant search for a better relationship with God and the others. Online with Saints aims to help people get to know and journey with the many women and men from different ages and cultures, each with their own vocations, by taking a fresh look at their lives, how they embraced God’s Will and, thanks to their friendship with him, became saints.
Similar to the Tweeting with God, the Online with Saints book contains images which can be scanned with the Online with Saints App “scan” option, and this immediately will show a video of their story. The book is currently available in English and new translations are on the way.
The app Online with Saints, currently accessible in five languages, is available for you to download at any moment. The app offers many options for interactivity. Of course, the ‘posts’ of the saints can be shared on social media. You can even take a selfie with the saint of your choice! The FREE App is available for Android and IOS.
All Christians share a common call; that is our vocation for sanctity. God wants everyone to become ever closer to him, letting him be part of every situation and aspect of our lives, knowing that only thus we can find true happiness. Let the saints be your friends and companions on your path towards holiness!