Tweeting with GOD and AMI sign a partnership
In name of Tweeting with GOD and Online with Saints, Father Michel Remery has signed a partnership with the Apostolat Militaire International (AMI) with the aim of developing together a mobile application for the use of individual military. Admiral Borsboom, President of AMI, and Colonel D’Ortenzi, Secretary General, expressed the hope of a long and fruitful collaboration. Among other things, the new app will contain links to the profiles of military saints.
The Catholic organisation Apostolat Militaire International brings together military personnel from all around the world, It is among others involved with the yearly military pilgrimage to Lourdes, which was started just after the war.
Tweeting with GOD has been present at the annual general assembly to present the work of Tweeting with GOD and Online with Saints. The assembly was impressed by the vastness of the knowledge about the faith available through these initiatives, and decided postivively on the partnership.