Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

I was born in the year 1207 in Hungary as the daughter of King Andrew II. I grew up as a very religious child. When I was only fourteen years old, I was given in marriage to Ludwig, the king of Thuringia in Germany. We both wanted our marriage to work, and in fact, loved each other every day more and more. We had three children. During the reign of my husband, I bandaged the sores of the lepers and distributed bread to hundreds of poor people. When I was twenty years old, Ludwig died during the Crusades from the plague. I was devastated and mourned my dead husband for months. Then I was given new strength to pick up my life, and I felt drawn to the religious life. I became a lay member of the Third Order of Saint Francis. I vowed to serve only God and never marry again. I helped build a hospital and devoted myself to caring for the sick. I died in 1231 at the age of 24.