Saint Stanisław Kostka

I was born in 1550, into a noble Polish family. At the age of fourteen, I was sent to study at the Jesuit College in Vienna, together with my brother Paul. Some time later, I felt strongly called to make a vow to enter the Company of Jesus. I was too young to enter the order in Vienna without my parents’ permission, and my father refused. So finally I decided to make my way to visit Father Peter Canisius in Germany. Eventually he was impressed by my deep desire to join the Jesuits, and sent me to Rome. I made the long journey on foot, together with some Jesuit companions. Father Francis de Borgia received me very well. Before becoming a Jesuit, I fell ill in August 1568. On my death bed, I made my final vows. I died as the result of fever on 15th August, on the feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary.