Holy Mary

I, a Jewish girl from Galilee, was born in Nazareth. During my betrothal to Joseph, the angel Gabriel announced to me that I was going to be the mother of the promised Messiah, thanks to the Holy Spirit. I accepted God's Will without understanding it. I met my cousin Elizabeth and delivered to her the holy news, but she already knew somehow. Months later, after a decree of the Roman Emperor Augustus, Joseph and I returned to his hometown Bethlehem to register for a Roman census. There I gave birth to Jesus in a simple stable. Shepherds and Magi came to visit the newborn child Jesus. Joseph was warned in a dream that king Herod wanted to kill Jesus, so we fled to Egypt, and only years later did we settle in Nazareth. I was present during many moments of my son’s mission and life. I was also present during the heartrending moment of his crucifixion and death, and after his resurrection. At the end of my earthly life, I went straight to heaven.