Saint Augustine

I was born in Tagaste, in today's Algeria. My father Patricius was a Roman official and land owner. He was married to my mother Monica, who later became a saint. She was a Christian whilst my father was a pagan. She prayed that we all would become Christians. Her prayer was heard, and my father was baptised on his death bead. In spite of her goodness and love, I turned out to be a very difficult child. I had many amourous escapades, and even conceived a son, Adeodatus. I was looking for the truth, and tried different convictions and religions. In Milan, I met Bishop Ambrose. I was deeply touched by the way he explained things and I decided to become a Christian. This was a glorious moment for my mother, who had been praying for me as I was drifting astray. For the next 30 years or so I wrote many writings that helped people understand God and how to have a personal relationship with him. Eventually, I was made bishop of Hippo, in modern day Algeria, where I died in 430.