Saint Dominic
I was born in Spain in 1170, in Spain, into a noble family. I received my early education from my uncle, who was a priest. Then, I studied for ten years at University. I discerned that God was calling me to become a priest. Some time after my ordination, the bishop asked me to accompany him on a missionary journey through the south of France. Here I met the Albigensians or Cathars, who proclaimed a distorted form of Christianity. They condemned the material world as an evil kingdom not created by God. I became inspired to preach the true Gospel to them in a credible way. Together with some Cistercian monks, I started on this difficult mission to promote the truth. After much effort [or: many attempts], I founded the Order of Friar Preachers, or Dominicans. Its main focus was the study and preaching of the faith in a way that people could understand. During my preaching missions, many people convered to the true faith. I died in 1221 after several weeks of illness.