Saint John Bosco

I was born in 1815 in Becchi, Italy. At the age of two, I lost my father and I was raised by my mother. I became devoted to the Church at a young age, thanks to her. When I was nine years old, I had a dream about what I would do in my life. As a boy I entertained my peers with games, along with with prayers and religious education. I became a priest in 1841 after a long and difficult journey. I began my apostolate among poor young people with the founding of the Oratory. I was effective in my work because of my constant union with God and my confidence in Mary, Our Help. I found my best collaborators among young people and together with some of them I founded the Society of St. Francis of Sales (Salesians). Together with Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello I founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters). The last three years of my life were hard in a new way. I was old and very tired, but I kept going on with the activities of the Salesians. On 31 January, 1888, with the names of Jesus and Mary on my lips, my soul passed to my God and my Lady.