Saint Olha of Kyiv

I was born in Pskov, Kyivan Rus', Ukraine. I married the ruler of Kyivan Rus', Igor, who had his see in Kyiv. He gave me a child, Svyatoslav. After Igor was killed, I got to rule Kyiv. At the beginning of my reign, I launched an expedition to punish the tribes who had murdered my husband. It was a successful campaign and a number of fortresses were erected at my orders. Many people were killed, and today you would call it a genocide. Years later, I traveled to Constantinople, which was the center of the world. I saw the splendid palaces and churches. I was touched by the grace of the faith in that city. I asked to be instructed in the faith and then was baptized. When I came back to Kyiv, I brought priests and many sacred books and sacred vessels. I tried with all my energy to spread Christianity in my country but it was very difficult. My grandson Volodymyr the Great managed to fulfill my plan.