Saint Paul the Apostle

I was born in Tarsus, which is located in modern-day Turkey. At birth, I was called Saul, a common Hebrew name, which is Paulus in Latin. We were a faithful Jewish family. As a boy, I learned the family business of making and repairing tents. I was sent to Jerusalem to study Jewish law and became a Pharisee. When I returned home, I heard about a prophet named Jesus: he claimed to be the Messiah, the Saviour we were expecting. I began to persecute Jesus’ followers and tried to make them give up their faith. However, they continued to increase in number. One day, when I was travelling to Damascus, a strong light hit me and blinded me. I had a vision of Jesus asking me why I was persecuting him. I suddenly felt compelled to change my ways completely, and followed Jesus rather than persecute his disciples. When I regained my sight I began to travel to many different countries to spread the teachings of Jesus. I founded many Church communities, to which I wrote letters to keep in touch and sustain them in their faith.